How to serve coffee

I will explain about how to make a coffee to buy coffee sachets and then you present it in a simple taste and aroma delights.
You need to know that a good coffee and have a good quality is coffe that is already ripe on the tree, then the coffee is dried and is already 100% dry, so that when inserted into the milling machine coffee can be easily powdered and finally , although there is now a great milling machine and a dryer.
Get to the main  about how to serve the coffee is good when you are at home and have a good time to drink coffee.

you must first provide coffee sachets that you have previously purchased, then you boil the water to boil, noticed when boiling water is the water should really boil so that the coffee aroma will smell fragrant and delicious, after the water is boiling, pour the coffee sachets earlier into the glass / coffee cup and then pour the hot water was subsequently added to the ground coffee in glass / cup of coffee, and then do not forget to stir the coffee until it is completely soluble coffee powder in hot water it.Saat good for coffee was already down when the coffee grounds the bottom of a glass /cup, so that you drink your coffee without drinking the dregs.

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Arsenal News

LONDON-Arsenal will face a tough opponent in the Premier League match. A mission to achieve full points, Arsenal must travel to Old Trafford is home to Manchester United.

Ahead of the match, Arsenal had problems. Some players are expected to have difficulty to perform in Manchester. Alexis Sanchez became one of them. Sanchez really had brilliantly with Chile. However, due to long trips, fitness began to doubt.

Sanchez unfinished issues, Arsenal again troubled players. Their attackers, Theo Walcott, potentially not appear in the game counter the Red Devils.
theo walcout

Walcott had just defended the UK does not have any ailment. But the condition of his wife who was pregnant, making Walcott could have been absent because he had to accompany his wife gave birth. Of all the parties in Arsenal hopes Walcott Melanie Slade-wife-soon give birth before the match was held.

Just for the record, the current Arsenal in the fourth position of the standings with a record 24 points, the outcome of 11 matches. While Manchester United are in sixth place with a record 18 points from the same number of matches.
Walcott is a very important arsenal player, he usually played in the 70th minute to change the game, because it has a speed that supports as a right winger

Zika virus, transmission, and How to Treat

Zika virus infection occurs through intermediary Aedes, particularly Aedes aegypti species. Disease it causes named as Zika, Zika disease (Zika disease) or fever Zika (Zika fever).Zika virus that has infected humans can cause several symptoms, such as fever, joint pain, conjunctivitis (red eyes), and rash. Zika disease symptoms can resemble the symptoms of dengue and chikungunya and can last a few days to a week.
Zika virus first found in rhesus monkey in the jungle Zika, Uganda, in 1947. Zika virus then rediscovered in the mosquito species Aedes Africanus in the same forest in 1948 and in humans in Nigeria in 1954. Zika virus becoming endemic diseases and began to spread beyond Africa and Asia in 2007 in the South Pacific region. In May 2015, this virus is widespread in Brazil. The spread of this virus continues to occur in January 2016 in North America, South America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Samoa (Oceania). In Indonesia alone, Zika virus has been found in Edinburgh in 2015.
Zika Virus Causes
The cause of the disease Zika (Zika disease) or fever Zika (Zika fever) is the Zika virus. Zika virus included in the line flavivirus virus that still comes from the same family as the virus that causes the disease dengue / dengue.
Zika virus is spread to humans by infected Aedes mosquitoes. Mosquitoes become infected after biting patients who already have the virus. These mosquitoes are very active during the day and live and breed in the indoor or outdoor are close to humans, especially in the area that there is a puddle of water.
Although rare, Zika virus can be transmitted from a mother to her baby. Zika virus is likely transmitted from a pregnant mother to the fetus in the womb. Can also labor .To date  infants were infected at this time, cases of Zika virus transmission through breastfeeding have not been found so medical experts still encourage infected mothers to breastfeed their babies.
In addition, there are some reports that Zika virus transmission occurs through blood transfusions and sexual contact.
Zika Virus Symptoms
In addition to general symptoms that have been mentioned, other symptoms Zika virus found are a headache, pain behind the eyes, and tired. These symptoms are generally mild and lasted until about one week.
Regarding the Zika virus incubation period is unknown, but possibly lasting up to 2-7 days since patients exposed to this virus (bitten by mosquito vectors). Of the five people infected with the virus Zika, a person becomes ill from the virus. Although rare, severe cases can occur that require further treatment in the hospital or even death.
Zika virus transmission that occurs in the womb was associated with the occurrence of microcephaly and brain damage in the fetus. Microcephaly is a condition in which the circumference of the head is smaller than normal size.

Virus Diagnosis Zika
Viewed from symptoms that mimic many other diseases, the examination of these trips ever undertaken by the patient, particularly to areas which have cases of Zika virus infection can help narrow the differential diagnosis. The doctor may ask area, time, and activity during a visit to the area.
The doctor may do blood tests to detect viral nucleic acid, isolating the virus, or serologic testing. In addition to blood, sampling is usually done in 1-3 days after symptoms appear, urine and saliva may also be a test material in the third to the fifth day.
Zika Virus Treatment
Zika virus treatment focuses on reducing symptoms felt by the patient as vaccines and medications aimed at this disease has not been found. Treatment of the symptoms experienced may include infusion of fluids to prevent dehydration, pain medication to relieve fever and headache, as well as adequate rest. Use of aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not recommended before the possibility of dengue affected patients can be eliminated.
For patients who have been infected with the virus Zika expected to avoid mosquito bites during this virus because Zika virus that can survive long in the patient's blood can be spread to others through mosquito bites.

Zika Virus Prevention
Preventing mosquito bites is one of the preventive measures early can help you avoid infection Zika virus. Some preventive measures that can be done when you are in an area affected Zika virus, among others:
Ensuring the place you live has air conditioning or at least have curtains doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering the room.
Use mosquito nets on the beds if the area you are visiting does not have the above.
Use long-sleeved shirts and pants
Use insect repellent material which is listed on the environmental protection agency or environmental protection agency (EPA), in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. Instructions attached will provide information on the application, the application area is allowed, the time and duration of application.
Infants under the age of two months are not allowed to use insect repellent material so you must ensure that the baby clothes can protect from mosquito bites.
Also, use of mosquito nets in a crib, stroller, and a sling or other baby carrier tools.
Pay attention to body area children older adults when applying insect repellent material. Avoid areas of the body that are injured or experiencing irritation, eye area, mouth, and hands.
Choose care, washing, or use clothing and equipment that use materials containing permethrin. Learn about product information and instructions regarding the use of protection provided. Avoid using these products on the skin.
Learn well as information about the area you will visit, such as health facilities and the outdoor area is open before the departure time arrives, especially areas Zika virus.
Perform tests Zika virus after returning you, especially pregnant women, from the spread of the virus Zika.

Symptoms of contracting dengue virus are similar zika

Most recently we were surprised by the news of the appearance of the disease triggered by Zika virus and its effects on the fetus in the womb.
Zika virus infected patients will usually show symptoms such as fever, headache, a red rash appears on the skin, joint pain and red eyes.
May also be followed by pain in the behind the eyes or vomiting. In passing this virus symptoms similar to dengue fever.
This virus has not been suffered by Indonesian people anywhere in an earlier era. The existence of the virus in Indonesia is only revealed through the Eijkman Institute report cited by Compass some time ago.
Dr.Herawati Sudoyo Ph.D., Deputy Director of the Institute Eijkman said it discovered the virus during an outbreak of dengue fever (dengue) in Edinburgh in December 2014-April 2015.
By a group of researchers from the University of Bahia, Brazil, mosquitoes carrying the virus is identified as Aedes Egypt and Aedes albopictus.
Interestingly, a study reported in 2003 by J.G. Olson, T.G. Ksiazek, Suhandiman, and Triwibowo mention that Zika virus has entered Indonesia since 1977-1978. When the researchers 'finding' the 30 patients in the hospital Tegalyoso, Klaten, Central Java, which show symptoms of contracting the virus zika.
While another report said a female tourist from Australia 52 years contracted the virus during a visit to Jakarta, Indonesia in 2013.

How to prevent contracting the virus zika?

First discovered in UgandaZika virus was first discovered in 1947 in the body of a monkey that lives in the Forest Zika, Uganda. Cases of humans infected with Zika virus first occurred in Nigeria in 1954.This virus entry into Southeast Asia begins with an outbreak in Micronesia Islands in 2007. In 2009 it was revealed that the virus can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.Although not yet found a cure for this virus, deaths due to Zika virus has never happened. Patients reported to gradually recover after 2-7 days of first showed signs of contracting the virus.This is not the reason we are able to relax the face of this mysterious virus attack because of the attack Zika virus quite cumbersome and interfere with daily activities. Moreover, if for example you are working or have small children.Moreover, given the impact on pregnant women and fetuses in the womb.

How to prevent contracting the virus zika

1. Avoid yourself from mosquito bites by using mosquito repellent creams, long-sleeved shirt, and long pants when outside the home.
2. Infants under three months of age are not allowed to wear a mosquito repellent cream. Conceal cots with mosquito nets to avoid mosquito bites.
3. Fill your home with the air conditioner or screen over the vent house to banish mosquitoes from entering your home.
4. Change water in flower vases at bath regularly.
5. Children and infants over the age of three months should wear a mosquito repellent cream appropriate to their age.
6. Drink lots of water and get enough rest.

7. Immediately consult a doctor if your body showed signs of contracting the virus.Hopefully, this information is helpful.

Tips Menjadi Rider Yang Baik

sebelum anda mengguakan kendaraan bermotor baik itu sepeda motor ataupun mobil alangkah baiknya jika anda mengerti tentang otomotif walaupun hanya sedikit,jika anda mengerti tentang otomotif maka anda tidak akan kesulitan jika terjadi sesuatu pada kendaraan anda.Misalkan anda sedang bepergian jauh dan anda tidak menemukan tukang reparasi atau tukang service / bengkel,maka apa yang akan anda lakukan?minimal tindakan pertama yang akan anda lakukan adalah apa.
Oleh karena itu anda sangatlah diharuskan untuk mengerti sedikit-sedikit tentang motor atau sering disebut dalam bahasa lebih umumnya adalah otomotif.
Apakah yang anda lakukan ketika pertama anda akan menyalakan mesin motor anda?
Apa yang akan anda check dalam kendaraan anda sebelum anda bepergian jauh,dan apa yang anda bawa,apa yang anda persiapkan sebelumnya.

Sebagai salah satu pecinta kendaraan terutama sepeda motor ataupun itu misalkan sebuah mobil,anda perlu setiap saat melakukan pengecekan berkala .
Sebelum anda menyalakan mesin di saat pagi hari sebelum anda memulai beraktifitas adalah selalu cek bagian cairan terutama oli,setelah itu lihat banyaknya oli dan lihat kekentalan oli dan warna oli tersebut apakah sudah berubah warna karena panas mesin yang setiap saat anda pakai,ataupun telah berkurang oli kendaraan anda karena proses penguapan karena panas mesin,ataukah karena waktu sudah lama,kita tahu bahwa oli juga mempunyai masa kedaluarsa ,walaupun motor anda jarang dipakai bukan berarti oli anda selalu bagus ya..Kemuidian selanjutnya adalah anda harus mengecek bagian pendinginan yaitu radiator,periksa apakah selang radiator ada yang terkelupas karena sudah termakan usia yang cukup lama,atau ada selang yang bocor,ataupun radiator anda bocor.
Periksa sirip-sirip pendingin radiator apakah masih bagus atau sudah penyok-penyok,cek air radiator/coolant,periksa juga coolant dalam recervoir tank atau sering disebut bak penampungan coolant.
Jangan lupa cek bahan bakar anda apakah sudah cukup untuk perjalanan yang akan anda tempuh,pastikan pompa bahan bakar berfungssi dengan baik"untuk jenis injeksi".
Periksa tekanan angin di ban,usahakan sesuai yang disarankan.Jangan lupa untuk memakai atribut sesuai dengan keamanan,safety first.Patuhilah aturan lalu lintas dan saling menghargai dan menghormati sesama pengguna jalan umum.
Itulah tips dan saran sebelum berkendara!!!

Membentuk Badan Athletis Dengan Mudah

Mempunyai badan yang tidak ideal memang membuat banyak orang tidak percaya diri karenanya,akan tetapi sangat susah untuk memiliki badan yang ideal apalagi kalau mempunyai kebiasaan atau pola hidup yang buruk sudah pasti akan mempunyai badan yang tidak ideal.
Kebiasaan memakan sesuatu yang berlemak tinggi dan kebiasaan dengan makan dimalam hari adalah merupakan faktor yang menyebabkan kegemukan dan akhirnya berat badan tidak ideal.
Anda harus disiplin agar memiliki badan yang ideal dan athletis.Berikut ini tips agar memiliki badan ideal dan tubuh athletis dengan cara sederhana dan gampang dilakukan oleh siapapun dirumah:

hidup sehat
membentuk badan ideal
  • Biasakan bangun tidur jangan sampai langsng bergerak,biarkan duduk sejenak dan setelah itu baru anda mulai dengan meminum air putih ketika bangun tidur dipagi hari,kenapa?Iya karena saat tidur biasanya manusia mengalami dehidrasi akibat berkeringat saat tidur.Inilah yang dibutuhkan saat bangun tidur itu adalah air untuk mengganti ion yang hilang agar badan terasa lebih segar,lebih bagus lagi kalau sebelumnya anda saat mau tidur mengambil air putih digelas kemudian diembunkan dibawah pohon,lalu dipagi harinya anda ambil air digelas tersebut lalu minumlah air itu,maka akan lebih baik buat tubuh anda.
  • biasakan untuk streching/warm up ringan untuk melenturkan anggota tubuh anda dengan menggerakan semua anggota badan,lebih bagus jika sambil lari" kecil,usahakan jangan olah raga terlalu berat dulu,kalau badan anda sudah terasa panas baru anda boleh meningkatkan olahraga anda pada gerakan yang sedikit cepat dan berat.
  • sebelum itu semua dilakukan,jangan lupa ini hanya sebagai saran dan catatan saja bahwa mandi sebelum fajar atau diwaktu subuh adalah sangat baik untuk badan,jika anda umat islam itu juga diajarkan dalam islam.
  • sarapan pagi jangan banyak makan -makanan yang mengandung banyak lemak,tapi usahakan banyak protein yang dimakan,karena dipagi hari merupkan saat dimana kita akan memulai aktifitas dan membutuhkan energi.
  • usahakan cukup air putih,minumlah air putih sebanyak mungkin
  • Bila anda tidak sibuk bisa anda lanjutkan ke olahraga membentuk otot perut dan dada dengan latihan mudah dirumah anda sendiri dengan cara push up dan sit up,dan banyak cara lainnya anda bisa melihat vidio di youtube yang banyak menyajikan tutorial dan caranya.
  • Perlu diingat hal tersebut harus dilakukan secara rutin dan perlu kerja keras dan semangat yang tinggi serta motivasi dan pantang menyerah.Itu semua yang akan menjadikan anda mempunyai bentuk tubuh yang ideal.
Baca juga artikel terkait tentang kesehatan lainnya disini cara menurunkan berat badan agar anda mempunyai badan yang ideal dan anda akan lebih percaya diri kemanapun anda pergi dan tentunya anda merasa lebih ringan, bugar ,sehat ,dan fresh.

Donal Trump and Election United States

Donald John Trump (born in New York City, New York, June 14, 1946, age 70 years) is an entrepreneur, a pioneer of television programs and a successful businessman from the United States. He is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts.Style Trump luxurious life, a way of speaking bluntly, and the role of the NBC reality show The Apprentice has made it such a famous celebrity number 17 on the Forbes Celebrity 100 list in 2011.Trump is the son of Fred Trump, a real-estate developer City.New York to work for his father's company, Elizabeth Trump & Son, while attending the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and in 1968 officially joined the company.has given the reins of the company in 1971 and renamed it The Trump Organization.
in 2010 Donald trump expressed interest wants to be a presidential candidate in elections in 2012.This follows on the background of Donald trump.
Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York as the son of Fred Trump, development, and marketing experts Real Estate in New York. He had three brothers, one male, and two female. Is the eldest sister Maryanne Trump Barry, a federal judge. And he is the brother of Michael Forest.
Donal Trump Presidential Candidate United States
Donal Trump

He never attended The Kew-Forest School in Forest Hills, Queens, but after the chaos that is going on there at the time when he was 13 years old, parents Donald sent him to the Military Academy New York with the hope that Donald will be a tough guy .It was running smoothly. Donald Trump earned academic awards, playing football in 1962, football in 1963, and baseball from the year 1962 to 1964 and became captain of the baseball team in 1964. Ted Tobias is a coach baseball renowned provide Coach's Award to Donald in 1964. after being promoted as a Captain-S4 officer, during his senior, Donald and an officer Sergeant Jeff Donaldson formed the group consisting of officers.

Trump became the official presidential candidate of the Republican Party.Based on the results of the counting was done, Trump sounds get 1,725 delegates, 1,237 of requirements that must be achieved to be a Republican presidential candidate."I never thought, this feels like a dream, I am very proud of the father. Congratulations Dad, "said Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump, some time after the calculation of the sound is performed which showed Trump over the limit minimal sound.

president Barack Obama Donald trump state that does not deserve to be president of the United States, Obama questioned why Republicans still support a Trump candidacy.Obama referring to Trump criticism against a Muslim family whose son was killed while on duty to captain the US military in Iraq.
According to Obama, the criticism showed Trump is not ready to be president."The fact that he attacked the very respectable American family, who sacrifice for America ... also a lack of understanding of the key issues in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, this all shows that indeed he is not ready to be president," Obama said.In response to this attack, Trump said Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, who did not deserve to be president.The Czech senior politicians like Paul Ryan parliament speaker and chairman of the Senate Mitch McConnell on several occasions has criticized Trump, but Trump, who is also known as a millionaire as a whole still get Republican support.
Look at how the debate is going to happen between Trump and Hillary, and who will be the best candidate to become president in the United States.

US election 2016

The United States presidential election in 2016 will take place on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, a presidential election will be the 58th quadrennial. In this election voters also selected president, who then will elect the President and Vice President of the United States, will be selected.
The day after the last debate, Presidential Candidate United States (US presidential candidate) Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will meet at a dinner in New York. Both mutual respect for tradition that has lasted for 56 years to attend a dinner Al Smith (Al Smith Dinner) at the Hotel Waldorf Astoria, New York.
Hillary Clinton Vs Donald Trump
Clinton vs Trump

This event is an annual fundraising event for children held in New York on Tuesday of the third week of October. Which is usually done once every four years, this event is a showcase for the US presidential candidates and the scene of the last two candidates shared the stage towards the implementation of the presidential election (election) later.In the dinner party, seating Hillary and Donald Trump are only separated one seat. New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who will be placed in the seat and served as a peacemaker or as a mediator if things start to heat up.
the clumsiness, of course, it still exists in feeling these two presidential candidates, with the evidence of the two of them refused to be invited to shake hands after their final debate at the University of Nevada.

In the event four years ago, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both are put aside their differences and exchanging jokes. However, it is very different when viewed both campaign style, jokes feared Trump and Hillary in the banquet this time it will further worsen the situation. Trump will be the first speaker at the event which will take place on Thursday evening local time was followed by Hillary. Team campaign each candidate confirming both of them will be present. But the success of both teams Trump Hillary and they declined to comment and does not want to give a preview of the speech of the presidential candidates.
Let's wait what will happen next and how the upcoming elections, who will get top notch.

Arsenal Vs Totenham

ahead of a match between arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur Wenger hinted to his players to always focus on attacking play and not to play with emotion.Setelah provoked some positive results obtained in previous matches, the gunner optimistic forces will be able to handle the game Tottenham Hotspur and believes it will get the victory."I do not discount special idea for the game later and I would not make strategic changes, especially to change the starting line-up, but I prefer the bait accurate and effective, but I am concerned with the problem of discipline because discipline is very important" says Wenger.
Arsenal rumour transfer, profile squad,and english premier league schedule
Arsene Wenger Image

ahead of the match with Tottenham Hotspur, Arsene Wenger will play Granit Xhaka to replace Santi Cazorla were absent due to injury. Wenger also cautioned Xhaka so as not to make mistakes that would badly hurt the Gunner. often he easily provoked emotion as in the previous game.
When appearing to defend the counter Arsenal Ludogorets in the Champions League Group A match at the Vasil Levski Stadium, Tuesday (01/11/2016) local time, Xhaka back acting up. In a match that ended with a 2-3 victory for the Gunners, the 24-year player got a yellow card, after the Marcelinho tackle.
Arsenal is currently still ranked second in the Premier League standings with 23 points gain. While Tottenham Hotspur entrenched in the top five with a value of 20.

derby this time will be very important if we can gain the victory, we really wanted a victory to top the standings and we are chasing the title in the premier league.According to our every game is important and winning is our main goal, we have to play attacking and certainly A game that is the hallmark of us.And it is a game that is performed in the premier league.

Manchester United Lates Transfer News

Manchester United Lates Transfer News

Former England striker Michael Owen to talk bluntly about the appearance of some of the players Manchester United, after the team lost 1-2 to Fenerbahce, on Friday (04/11/2016) morning earlier. Owen even say they were not good enough to be retained in the club.

The failure of Manchester United in the group phase of the Europa League this time extending their poor record because the new won two of the last seven games in all competitions. Before bent Fenerbahce in Istanbul, Wayne Rooney and his friends had a goalless draw by Burnley Manchester.
manchester united is currently experiencing a downturn, many who criticize the appearance of manchester united is far from that expected by the fans.MU always lose every game in the premier league lately. "Outside the goalie, you can get Rojo (Marcos Rojo, defender) is not good enough. Pogba is also yet to find his best game, while Wayne Rooney had a problem with confidence," said Owen told BT Sport, told the Manchester Evening News.Male 36-year-old had played for Manchester United in 2009 to 2012. He helped bring the Red Devils won the Premier League in 2010/2011, League Cup and Community Shield.

Since his retirement, Owen worked as a football commentator and observer. He is also the owner of a successful racehorse breeding in the UK."Martial terrific last season, but what is she doing now? I like Blind as a footballer, but I'm not sure after he passed the first round," said Owen. "I do not know where Luke Shaw. (Morgan) Schneiderlin, once again, I'm not sure she's pretty good. Same with Darmian," he said.

manchester united fate of coach jose mourinho increasingly threatened its position as the main coach of Manchester United, Mourinho was very disappointed with his team's game.